
Please, Don't Read This

2004-04-12_xx_3:54 p.m.

My mind is a bit clustered right now, because my heart keeps getting pulled in so many directions.

This is pretty par for the course, standard procedure if you will.

However the introduction of another possibility that I have been doing my best not to think of has made it a wee bit worse than normal.

It has me a bit flustered because I am finding it hard to write about based on a number of factors up to and including the fact that she has pretty much read these words from day one.

The first butteflys have appeared today, because the 'x' brought up the notion of romantic involvement that I had been trying not to ponder. I am still working on staying in the mindset of just chillin and enjoying the time I have because keeping your expectations low gives you a lesser distance to fall.

Instead of opening pandora's box, the 7th gate of hell and the front door to the mall where all the zombies are trying to get in; all at once, I'm just going to get stoned and do my taxes.

I would however be lying to you, dearest of diaries, if I wasn't secretly hoping for a fourth of July type fireworks display. Under the circumstances, I'll be happy if I get just one bottle rocket. Considering how long this has been in the planning, I'm just stoked I made it within 22 days before this shit even popped into my head.

I'm done now.

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