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2004-12-16_xx_12:26 a.m.

I am Brandon Walsh, smelling of Tide with a lopsided grin.
A chameleon by trade, I can be everything you need and all the things you hate in a blink of an eye.
I was taught the difference between confidence and arrogance by someone that had no business falling prey to my charm. It is an easy thing to walk a tightrope without a safety net when you can summersault into nothing with your eyes closed.
Devil horns prop up my halo these days and a smirk greets those that find too much amusement and cleverness when I honestly state, �I�m the nicest bad boy you will ever meet.�
Why am I so apathetically poetic this night? Too many muses are vying to inspire and my taxed brain can�t keep up as I trace my fingers along a topographical map.
�The eyes never lie� or so I�m told. Maybe, dear reader, this explains why I still hide behind my spectacles. My eyes don�t slide downward in an atypical male response to flesh, but to hide the things you can see encased behind my glasses.
I smell of sin. The scent clings to me even as I pull the shirt from off my aching body.
What�s love got to do with it?

Why everything, my dear, every little thing.

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