
Love Myself Better Than You

2004-01-22_xx_4:58 p.m.

The effect I was looking to acheive was a smashing success. The pained look of understanding and dejection upon her features told it all. I didn't even need to read her response to know that the door suddenly slamming in her face hurt as much as it would have if it had been a real door smashing in to her; solid and unyielding.

There were no teasing smiles today. The whispered conversations were automatic and hollow. My eyes were those of a dead man, focused on something far beyond what was right in front of my face.

It matters little to me, people that is. For the most part, they are nothing more than cattle. Which makes me either a parasite or a predator...or possibly something, much more sinister.

I almost felt sorry for myself, until I realized that I'm not.

Admittedly, this doesn't make me a very good human being.

We are covering ethics in class, more silly tests. In this case to determine what sort of ethics you hold near and dear. I'm the only person in class that has a (R) type personanlity. I forget what (R) stands for officially, but to summerize my basic thoughts on problems of ethics is that, whomever fucked up in the first place is on there own and need to fix it themselves.

My classmates were sharply critical of my loner attitude and when it came time to do our team exercise, the results were predictably amusing. The secnario was sitation based and took in to consideration our ethical personalities:

"Your team is on a ship that is sinking, the only means to escape is a lifeboat that space enough so that one of you would be left behind. Describe your thought process, based on your ethical personality, on how to decide who gets left behind."

My response was so short, I could almost make a haiku out of it; 'Not my problem. Eliminate both team members. Take the boat.'

This definitely makes me...

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