
Taking Down Corporate Amerika (from the inside out)

2004-05-21_xx_3:10 p.m.

As much as I bitch, gripe, complain, threaten acts of retribution and retaliation and just generally talk shit about evil corporations ruling the amerikan empire, you would think that I would do everything in my power to not purchase these companies products, support other competing businesses and not seek gainful employment with any such corporations, right?

WELL, no. I do, however, have a really good reason for not fighting the corporate machine and another reason I just made up as an excuse to my hypocritical usage of big business services. Survival instinct is at the top of the list and to be fair, I�m not exactly having to catch and kill my own food or start a campfire by rubbing two sticks together. If you honestly dumped me in a �Survivor� like setting and let me fend for myself, I would probably die out within a couple of days based on lack of caffeine laced products, alcohol and burritos, not to mention the whole, shelter and finding drinkable water related issues. The survival instinct I refer to is related to eeking out an existence in a sprawling suburban setting and being able to quickly and easily locate and obtain the necessary items to keep my ass alive in a big city. Admittedly, not the best survival skill sets to know, but hey you are a product of your environment and I�m the living, breathing definition of a city rat.

Quite frankly, big business makes these daily survival tasks that much easier to accomplish and still leave me plenty of time to pursue leisure activities, such as ranting endlessly in an online diary, plotting to eventually overthrow the tyranny government of these divided, but supposedly united, states of amerika and masturbate to my hearts content. This does not mean that I enjoy having to do these things, but necessity sometimes breeds desperation. I LOATHE having to hob-knob with trailer trash, while trying to find some bathroom supplies at Walmart. I DESPISE battling the yuppies in an attempt to procure the latest release by some of the more commercial hardcore bands at Best Buy. I especially HATE having to go to particular locations of chain style coffee shops (yes, I�m a STARBUCKS junky) to get my coffee, because they are the only ones who can ever get the taste just right.

If I hate THE MAN so much, then how could I possibly continue to work for THE MAN and even attempt to get another part time job working for yet another version of THE MAN? It�s all part of my (�recently made up�) effort to bring down the corporate machine. As long as I do my job well enough to not get fired and keep under the radar enough not to draw too much attention to myself, I can spread discord and discontent from within the confines that THE MAN holds sacred. And what better way to put down a massive and impregnable corporate machine, dearest of diaries, then from inside the defensive barriers? Shit man, even the Trojans figured that one out.

Knock out the support and the structure will fall. While I may drink my Frappacuino, listened to my cheaply purchased CD�s and wipe my ass with name-brand toilet paper purchased at generic brand prices, just remember it�s all part of my master plan.

And just as soon as I figure out what that master plan is, I will fill you in on that part too.

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