
Look Kids, It's A Coffin With A Dead Body In It!

2004-06-08_xx_7:21 a.m.

Even though Ronald Regean was a piece of shit, it is about time he died.

hmmm, let me try that again.

Ronald Regean and his trickle down economics plunged the US economy into a downward spiral and I can't believe he held on this long.

ack, this is harder than I thought.

Ronnie was a good man and after he publicly disclosed his mental maladies, it turns out that all of his claims of "well, I don't quite recall" during Iran/Contra were because he really couldn't recall and I'm not sure why someone didn't pull the plug on him years agon and save the taxpayers a couple of million dollars.

well shit, I give up.

While the ex-president named Regaean from the House that is White did open the floodgates that brought down the U.S.S.R., and even though he managed to come out of the house that is white with darker hair than he went in with and therefore would look much better than that other guy who is on the 10 dollar bill y'all, he was a sub-par politician and a pretty shitty actor and like most of the presidents from the 60's on up, he was a liar and a thief that plundered the U.S. economy and adhered to his own social agenda and not the will of the people.

I'm not sure I understand all the hoopla that has been overshadowing the D-day anniversary (a much more important piece in amerikan history, mind you) and the claims he was a 'great man' and the ridiculous boasts of 'how well he ran the presidency' when we all know he had Alzheimers and Bush number one and his wife Nancy ran the country for the last two years of his second term.

A co-worker marching through our cafeteria size break room said it best when she saw a room full of somber people watching his corpse be hauled into the library bearing his name, "Hey look everybody, Ronnie Regean is finally back on TV!" I was the only one that laughed.

As I scratch my head befuddled by the reaction of a populace that too soon forgets what the man really did to our country, I suppose I do understand a little of what is going on. After all, it really sucks when people die; even no-good ex-presidents.

If there is such a thing, I'm going straight to hell, but I can take great comfort in knowing that so is every president since FDR. And yes, dearest of diaries, Ronnie will be there too.

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