
As Of Late

2004-07-27_xx_4:55 p.m.

As of late I have been all over the place and I�m still reeling from the shock of it all. At some point, the poet and I have slipped down a notch in our endeavors as friends. My inconsistencies and our gargantuan difference in fun type of activities we share a common interest in have finally taken its toll. He has submerged himself in the local art scene, reading regularly at several venues and gaining word of mouth renown for his verbal skills. While I do enjoy the mental stimulations from these events, twice a week every week is not something I can handle as a spectator. The only attempt I did throw out to reading some of my more entertaining pieces left an unsatisfied feeling and a slightly bad taste in my mouth. I will continue to go and offer my support, but I sense and am watching him slowly slip away to something brilliant that I couldn�t possibly follow. Riding coattails just isn�t my thing.

The girl and the interaction with her and her surroundings is what made my weekend a total trip. I was struck down by a siren, another college educated writer (yeah for English majors and this is three so far if you are counting along at home) whom captured my attention by doing what any super hot female with a grasp of written word can do; compliment my�writing� Unfortunately just about every other man (and half the women) this being comes into contact with ends up falling all over themselves for her attention. While the poet refuses to pine and shows very little outward sign of being captivated by her gravity well, I know better. Sometimes it pays off to be older and wiser. In this case it is bitter sweet. She rejected my inquiry of possible courtship sighting a slight love triangle since she was horribly smitten with the poet. Talk about some Jedi shit; I have taught him all I could; now he is the master. Just hoping situations like this don�t pop up too soon, as I would most like to avoid a climatic light-saber duel with him at all costs.

Something good did come out of my whirlwind continuation of my Vegas holiday�she is a writer and an editor and now I have a writer and an editor at my disposal. For the time being she has asked if I would collaborate on an idea she has had for a while and I even managed to recruit another of my free thinking cronies to help our cause. The idea? Well I won�t share the name or rough ideas of the contents, but the concept is an anti-propaganda propaganda page. Not more than a few pages full of ideals and hand distributed by the actual writers, not for profit or prestige, but to make a difference. I�m just excited at the aspect of publishing something I�ve written for consumption by the masses with the purpose of changing their pathetic little minds. I also think it will be pretty damn spiffy to have my own work in print, even if I do write it under a pseudo. Now I must simply brainstorm, get some material together and wait to see if this girl really is what I think she is or just another artist that is more insanely insane than she is insanely brilliant. We shall see, dearest of diaries, we shall see.

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