
I Bet Ze Germans Can Make Ze Tea

2004-10-07_xx_2:18 p.m.

I am sick.

As I may have previously mentioned, I'm not sick all that often so when I get sick I'm absolutely miserable.

My day is finally closing out and I've managed to survive and as much as it pains me, I only have one more day of work to struggle through. Doctor visit tonight for drugs and antibiotics and half a bottle of NyQuil will get me through the night.

Now the problem with me being sick is all about medicine head. I rely on my intellect and general brain-fucntions to guide me through any typical day. I am not one that relies on instinct or a built in sense of direction for functionality purposes. Having a head cold and bronchitis, combined with the medications i'm taking has left me in an altered sense of existance that I can best approximate to being stoned for hours on end. While very annoying and inconvienent for me, those around me are getting quite the kick out of watching the smart guy drool and babble like a 4th year senior at an Arkanas high school.

My speech will slur for no reason when I'm talking and i can't get my brain to react fast enough so I sound a lot like George Bush making an improtu speech anytime I talk at length. I've walked out of the bathroom twice with my fly still down and i was struggling so badly to tie my show that one of my more maternal agents did it for me. I've done a whole lot of staring off into space and blinking when people talk to me and my boss had to give me directions on how to access a database that I am in everyday to create a report I already know how to do on two different occasions; and I am staring at the screen at this exact moment failing to comprehend what exactly I am supposed to be doing.

Then there's the tea. In my infinite wisdom I thought (correctly mind you) that some hot tea would be good for my aching throat and soothe the wet hacking cough I have come down with. The issue being is that I have no idea how to make hot tea. In principle, it seems simple; hot water, tea bag, and then drink it. I never realized that there was a time limit on how long you leave the little baggy in for, nor was I aware that if you don't put stuff like lemon, honey and sugar in your tea then it will taste like poo.


To add to my daily dose of intrigue? Ze Germans are here. A quartet of them to be exact, direct from the motherland as observers from the German postal system that has a large holding in my corporate employer. The lone woman of the group is a head taller than me and they nearly broke my hand with their solid no nonsense handshakes. When I excused myself to take a much needed (and legally mandated) break, they all looked a me like I had commited a mortal sin. The best part though, was the fact that I had a list with their names on it; Kathrin, Christoph, Mathias and Markus and they were lined up in that order. I had them sit all around the building to listen to what our daily routine is, mixed them all up and I'll be damned if they didn't line themselves back up in the same order. Later on in the lunchroom, they were helping themselves to some beverages and guess what...yeah, same order.


And the final oddity to end my day of mediciney head wonder?

I was supposed to have a date with the dreamer. She and I have gone out on previous instances and we have a wonderfully informal relationship where neither of us gives or takes all that much (but both like to get it, if you...ahhh...know what I mean). I've lauded on about her in previous scripts because I am very much impressed how much of a freak she has turned out to be. In the midst of canceling our date, she offers regrets and our normal bits of electronically text based verbal sparring before dropping this on me:
"i'm sorry you're sick. but i have a cute little nurse's dress and some chicken noodle soup, if it will help..."

Followed up with this:
"anytime you want to break it in, just lemme know."

I'm sure, deareat of diares, that you will agree with me when I say, "HHHHEEEELLLLLOOOO NURSE!"

Strange, I'm feeling better already.

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