

2004-11-16_xx_11:54 a.m.

silence is the worst answer you could give to my unspoken questions, so this is of course what I get. unknowing I patiently wait in the dark for a response, a brief string of words that at least slams the door shut in my face. but instead, I stand idly by and when I finally can�t stand it anymore, I step from the darkness, push open the door and find the place I�ve been standing patiently in front of long empty and abandon.

I could, my dear, send you something that pardons your behavior, a blind apology if you will, for the unknown situation that I know nothing of yet I now somehow must deal with.

There is the feasible option of continuing to blindly place calls and send messages betraying the innocence I do not have and falsely hope this will guilt or inspire you into action.


I could really freak you the fuck out and return the scorn and jaded feelings ten-fold and show you just exactly how insane and irrational human beings are capable of being. A few notes on your car, front door; maybe some flowers to your office. While this certainly wouldn�t result with a response in any way shape or form, vindication would be mind and I could damage yet another soul and setback your progress a few more months, now couldn�t I, my dear?

Alas, my soul has been old far longer than I care to think of. The physical shell that holds this old soul betrays the decrepit form that lies within; if my soul would take on a physical being it would need a motorized wheel chair to get around in. you can surely say that I was old before my time.

So yes, my dear, there are lots of things I could do, if my soul weren�t so old, but thankfully for us both this old soul has learned a thing or two:

time is on my side, but even the Grim Reaper won�t wait at the bus stop forever

so for you, my dear, i give the gift of nothing to go with the nothing you have given to me.

and nothing, my dear, compliments nothing better than nothing at all.

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