
Worth Mentioning; Amended

2004-12-08_xx_3:16 p.m.

Two entries with the same date...well I guess I have a lot to say today.

1. Talked to the English Teacher (ET from now on for short) for over an hour last night. She turned out to be quite the dirty little whore. This is of course right up my alley. Despite being the least physically attractive out of my point by point list of lovely ladies she has done the most to stimulate my mind. I think I shall keep her.

2. JD is an acquaintance of the head cheerleader and friends with her circle of girls. If this piece of information in and of itself weren�t enough of a deterrent, it gets infinitely more complicated from there. She is very attractive and as my years have increased, my preference for women my age or older has increased as well; she fits this bill to a tee. The luggage set that would accompany her is something I could never fathom dealing with; she gets a vote of no confidence and will have to just be a casual addition to my harem as I don�t think she is the kind of girl to take a casual bedroom thrashing.

3. I bit the bullet and sent an inquiry to the Editor that I thought just disappeared without a trace thanking her for the literary recommendation known as Fountainhead. I of coursed asked about what happened. As it turns out, two very jaded lovers that are greeted with unyielding silence tend to shrug off such occurrences as dismissal and move on with their lives without bothering to ask why. Miscues, electronic failures and miscommunications resulted in our mutual exodus. While I have no hope or urge to once again try and pursue her, I�m very happy to know it was not something I said or did, but rather the lack of not doing or saying anything.

4. Today a rep that my manager mockingly and correctly commented on spending a lot of time getting �help� from me, even though I am not her direct supervisor. Of course I blushed as my managers underlying connotations were that I was enjoying the visits more than I should based on the extremely pleasing form of this particular agent; she is a teeny tiny blond with big eyes and a wonderfully tight little body. Today she quite suddenly and without provocation divulged a number of personal details about her life including being fed up with her dickhead boyfriend and really needing a night out on the town. It took a lot of self control not to extend and invite to her. Also something unacceptable, even though she surprised me by being age appropriate (late 20�s) instead of the barely drinking age, my no fishing sign is still hanging in my cubicle. No work related romances, no matter how hot they are.

5. The model broke up with her boyfriend. While I should have the most to say about this, I don�t.
pretty much say it all. I�d like to thank the few friends I can rely on for sound advice that I am getting better at taking as well as dispensing. Cut and dry; do nothing and keep things exactly the way they are. Better to keep a friend you can count on and love unconditionally than do the wrong thing for selfish reasons and lose her completely.

Now that I think about it, most of this really wasn�t worth mentioning. But I�m thinking self-inflating instead of self-defeating rants about social idiosyncrasies is much better for ones self-esteem�even if it is a bit selfish.

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