
Who Needs 'Game' If You Know All The Rules?

2004-02-03_xx_2:07 p.m.

I am banging a very hot woman. In fact, she is so hot and so out of my league that she doesn�t even have an explanation as to why she bothers with me other than a inquisitive look and an offer of, �cuz bay-bee, the is just something about you, ya know?�

As you might be able to fathom, this has caused a great deal of frustration on my part. Issues, I have a few; a big one being that I have an extreme distaste for unanswered questions as I tend to have a ton of them. To compound my frustrations such an easily answered question for me, that I can detail specific bullet points as to how, why and what I find attractive in her, is not forthcoming from this particular female other than the previously stated vague response.

Specifics: She is very short, under five feet tall an import from a central American country. Spanish is her first language and she is teaching me several new words a week to add to my already twisted Spanglesh that I already attempt. Her body is dark skinned and exotic, big brown eyes matching the tones of her skin. In comparison, I always feel out of place with my lanky frame, pale tattooed skin and mop of non-descript sandy blonde hair. Physical beauty if flawless; from her hair to her lips, tits ass and hips are perfectly proportioned and she is quite aware how to dress to accent each of these into a very complete package. Her intellectual capabilities are zilch and we spend most of our time talking about music, movies, partying and any of my hundreds of stories that I will happily tell at the drop of a hat (or any comment that jogs my memory into action). The only other common points of interest are eating food, breathing air and fucking each other silly.

With all the non-comments on what it is about me that she can�t answer, she did offer up a couple of nuggets of wisdom last night as we cuddled under piles of blankets. Taking turns, she lubed up my tattoo and my reciprocation was providing one of my custom back rubs.

Slightly deviating from my eventual point; her frame is so petite and my hands so mutantously large that I can hook my thumbs together and place my hands centered on her back and then slightly spread out my fingers and cover the entire span of her back, with enough length leftover that my pinky fingers on either hand, wrap around to her breasts. For reference purposes, this is really fucking cool.

Nugget of Central American Wisdom #1 - Clarification on our relationship.

This particular discussion allowed me to utilize of my more refined and palatable marketable skills; to keep my mouth shut and listen very carefully. Apparently, I have failed quite miserably at being a booty call, but not because of the actual sex. My flaky nature and unreliable demeanor make consistency impossible to obtain and regularly scheduled congenial visitations are also not a viable option. We are absolutely not together as a couple as we don�t spend enough time together, date anyone we choose and have had such labels previously classified from the get to as unrealistic and suicidal. Where does that leave us? You guessed it, the over-used �friends with benefits� tag that dictates a dedication to spend time together, but not too much and fuck like animals, but then engage in dating like rituals upon completion of the dirty deed. I nodded and grunted in agreement to each and everyone of her definitions and requests for things like a date at least once a month, a trip to a sex shop, and the possibility of her purchasing me some GQ type attire so that I might accompany her to several social functions of the coming months that state that she should be accompanied by a socially functional, intelligent, well spoken and good looking male counterpart. So what did I learn? In the span of the past couple of months, I have gone from booty call classification to that of a high priced escort.

I can�t begin to tell you how sweet this is.

Nugget of Central American Wisdom #2 � Confidence, not Arrogance.

This particular female companion is a highly sought after and very hot (pun intended) commodity. At work I have the luxury of watching everyone from janitors to corporate VIP�s try and work there game with her. When I spot a particular piece that I think would be a good fit, I do my best to encourage her to use said meat pile for her and in some cases my own gain. Out in public, the nuisance at having to constantly shoo away pesky suitors is offset by her combative nature, brazen attitude and ghetto up-bringing. In plain old english; she talks enough shit on her own to make these altercations quite amusing. When I question her as to her reasoning behind declining so many invitations from male counterparts that are obviously much more superior physical specimens, she dismisses such nonsense with a wave of her tiny hand stating, �why on earth would I want to hang with guys that are so arrogant? Come on bay-bee, you got some sort of shy, quiet confidence about you that is much more attractive than all those arrogant ego driven guys that try and spit game to me. Besides, you ain�t got no game bay-bee and if you ever do try to pull shit like that, I�ll just slap you back in your place.� Well, at least I understand a portion of what she sees in me, as all of the above statement is 100% accurate.

So what else I have learned today? A) Sometimes people know you better than you know yourself. B) Fielding, processing and retaining observation and advice from random third party sources can be beneficial to not only figure out yourself, but can also explain why and how you do things. C) I am not, in fact, an arrogant, selfish ego-driven, sex-crazed fuck machine; I�m just confident. D) Arrogance is ugly and confidence is attractive. E) You can�t lose your �game� if you never had any to begin with in the first place. F) And yes, I have lots of things going for me, but I sure as shit ain�t got no game.

Thankfully for me, dearest of diaries, knowing all the rules to the game is a much better knowledge and tactical advantage to have, than actually having 'game' to play with; don't you think?

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