
Dusting Off The Professor Chaos Costume

2004-03-23_xx_3:59 p.m.

There�s always a catch, or so says the realist in me. Turns out I am right as I usually am about such things, stupid life with it�s catch 22�s and footnotes sometimes gets a bit frustrating.

The situation: my �x� has tapped me to provide her with much needed sexual gratification, under her terms I am to be at her beckon call and a large amount of discretion will be used to handle this delicate situation.

The catch: The one that is short has vowed to drop me if I ever sleep with my �x�, someone I thought was a good friend is doing everything he can to try and win the �x� and the �x� herself has transformed into someone completely different than the girl I left some 8 months ago.

Let�s expand on this shall we?

The one that is short has fallen for me. Even though she continues to deny it, repressing her emotions and erecting barriers to keep her from getting hurt, the eyes never lie. This presents a problem as we are both certain that we don�t have much of a shot at the happily ever after future, but we are both unwilling to dismiss our coupling because we have hella fun together. This has been going on for just about four months and the originally spawned idea to spend more �quality� time together in order to make our coupling seem a bit more legitimate has backfired for both us and resulted in solidifying the classification from casual coupling to actual dating based on emotional attachment.

The �x� situation is a bit more of a complex equation than I would like it to be, not just because of her, but because of a friend we will call Gaius Cassius based on his pension for picking through the leftovers of those relationships that he is a bit to familiar with and jabbing sharp objects into the backs of his friends. Plain english? He gets some sort of enjoyment or is under the disillusion that taking the sloppy seconds from colleagues, casual acquaintances and friends is where he is going to find true love or at least some sort of relationship that will result in physical gratification. To make matters worse for him, he attempts this not only with random women outside his circle of friends, but also with women inside his circle of friends.

This is something that was well known to me for a good amount of time and I even let it slide when I heard from the �x� he was trying such things with her despite my statements to one and all that I would kick the ever living shit out of anyone of my friends that tried that. While he has been relatively fair in being an impartial third party, there were a couple of occasions where he defended the �x� whilst I was bitterly bashing her that made me question his motivation. Now that she has tapped me for casual sex, Gaius Cassius threw a shit fit with her and did everything in his power to dissuade her from pursuing this route. Most of the information, ploys and plots he has used to �bust a move� on the �x� have been shared to me from her, unbeknownst to him. For retribution I have tortured him at every turn; saying horrifically derogatory things about the �x� to him, making sure he knows when I spend any sort of time with her and most recently, even though he knows we are bumping uglies, I have flat out denied any sort of relations or goings on are occurring. This particular situation needs to be dealt with, but it has been quite a while since I�ve had to pull a knife out of my back that was placed there by someone that is supposed to be my friend.

The final piece of this Sunni triangle, is of course, the �x�. Since our tenure ended, she has done quite a bit of soul searching in an attempt to find herself and figure out what makes her happy. Specifically, since being dumped then dumped on it finally occurred to her that she got the raw end of the deal from out split. SO it is with a heavy heart that I divulge to you, dearest of diaries, that her outward demeanor has changed into that of a stony, sex crazed, emotionally in touch and rather fun girl. ALL of which were major contributing factors to me sending her packing in the first place. She is still a bit on the dumb side, which is expected, because you can change your habits, physical appearance and emotional levels, but you sure as hell can�t make yourself smarter. The frustration at watching her turn into the girl that I wanted her to be is infuriating. For now, I�m just going to hang out and make porn with her as I am not willing to be �Taken� by such shenanigans at this point in time, if ever. After all, I�m not the one that has anything to prove, gain or lose.

I suppose I could eliminate some or all of the parties involved to make life simple, but that would be entirely too easy. Besides, it�s been a while since I�ve been an evil prick; I think I need the practice.

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