
Internal Department Memo

2004-05-21_xx_11:52 a.m.

**NOTE: My previously mentioned vacation has truly done wonders to my demeanor regarding the daily grind of my work routine. This is the last in an ongoing series of memo's I have had to write regarding some internal training that I have taken upon my shoulders. I may not have the greatest job, but at least I don't get into trouble for being creative...


Friday, May 21st. 11:45AM

Department Managers & Team Supervisors,

Long, long ago, my parents uprooted the family clan and moved us to the Valley of the Sun. One of the first orders of business was for the parents to install a backyard swimming pool. When it finally came time to teach their baby boy how to swim, my father took this duty upon his shoulders. Being a man of few words, my father stated to me matter of factly, "well son it's time for you to learn how to swim." And with those parting syllables of wisdom he unceremoniously threw me into the pool and stood by shouting encouraging phrases, the most vivid of which was "sink or swim little man, sink or swim!"

With these words ringing in my head, all of the domestic only agents slated for international training are in the final stages of training (if not already finished), to the best of the abilities of myself, Richard and Massimo have to offer. It is now time for us to throw our kids into the pool and see if they have learned enough to swim.

The three of us would like to thank everyone for giving us this opportunity and any feedback regarding questions, comments and concerns for the training is greatly appreciated.

SUPER's: Please make sure each of your folks has been set-up in the correct queue and a reminder to please be patient with them one and all.

Thanks & regards

Martin, Massimo and Richard

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